4Ls 這個方法適合初導入 Srcum 的團隊,問題都是很基本的題型。。
- 在白板上畫四個垂直水道,從左到右分別為 Liked、Learned、Lacked、Longed For,如上圖。
- 向團隊成員提出四個問題:
- Liked Sprint 期間什麼事,讓你喜歡或感受好處?
What were the things that the team really appreciated about the sprint? - Learned Sprint 期間學到什麼事?
What were things that the team learned that they did not know before the sprint? - Lacked Sprint 期間有什麼事能改善並做得更好?
What were the things that the team think could have done better in the sprint? - Longed For Sprint 期間希望或期望什麼事,但沒發生或不存在?
What were the things the team desired or wished for but were not present during the sprint?
- 請團隊成員對每個問題提出想法,寫在便條紙上
- 寫完就貼在白板上,等其他人完成,以上步驟我大概抓 10~15 分鐘
- 請大家分別描述一下自己寫的內容,大概長這樣:
- 把相似的內容圈在一起,如下:
- 由數量多的項目開始討論
- 好的部分持續保持,不好的部分討論改善方法